I need a home
To apply for a house with Canopy, please ensure you are registered with Leeds Homes. All our available properties are advertised on the Leeds Homes website, so it is essential you register and get a bidding number. You will then need to bid for our properties on the Leeds Homes website when you see them advertised there.
If you need any help registering or experiencing problems getting a bidding number, please call Rebecca M 07545 922621 or Laura M 07956 152596 or our office on 0113 2946868.
Current Housing Vacancies:
Sorry! We don’t currently have any houses available. Please check again here soon.
- Who can apply for a Canopy house?
Canopy provides housing opportunities for people that are homeless or threatened with homelessness. For example this may be someone that does not have anywhere to live or someone that may live in overcrowded accommodation. Canopy has a variety of house sizes and therefore provides homes to single people and families. - How do I apply for a Canopy house?
Please Use the link above or call us on 0113 294 6868 to find out if we currently have any available tenancies. Canopy is a small housing provider with a limited number of properties. We usually have a property available once every couple of months. - How is Canopy different to other housing providers?
Canopy tenants volunteer alongside all the other volunteers to decorate their new house, which means they can have the opportunity to choose how their home will look. Sometimes it can be hard work, but all agree it to be an enjoyable and positive achievement. - Do tenants need decorating experience?
Before you become a tenant with Canopy, you will be required to be involved in decorating your new home. Don’t worry though, you don’t need to have any experience of DIY, we’ll teach you everything you’ll need to know – all you need is enthusiasm and some time. There are lots of volunteers here everyday and they will help you with everything you need to turn the house into a new home. - What sort of decorating do tenants do?
Some of the jobs you may be able to try are plastering, painting, decorating, tiling, wallpapering, carpeting and many more. You will be able to learn many jobs and skills that will always be useful to you. When you are volunteering to decorate your home, you will be able to make decisions on the colours and decoration of your home, so you can really make the place feel like your own. Previous tenants have chosen laminate flooring with red, black, green or pink walls. The choice is yours! - How else can Canopy help you?
As a tenant, volunteer or local resident, you can have access to all the facilities available at our local office, including laundry, computers and workshops.
Whilst volunteering on your new home, you will have time to adjust to the new location and meet local people and volunteers at Canopy.
We are a responsible landlord with low rent levels. We do not charge deposits or ask for rent in advance. We can offer advice on completing housing-related and benefit application forms and can assist you to find a suitable support worker or other advice if you feel you need it.
Available properties
Our properties are advertised on the Leeds Homes website when available.
Pay your rent
Call us on 0113 294 6868 to pay your rent.